Sunday, 30 December 2012

Time for a little rest

I have to say, this year has been amazing. It hasn't quiet come to an end yet but i've already started a big long list of goals for next year, my office space at home is such a mess it's embarrassing, my sketch book is brimming with ideas, I got a bit carried away on and fell in love with the coolest apartment ever in the middle of the city which I am looking at on Thursday, I have fabric samples being sent to me from Melbourne which I cannot wait to have arrive, my email account hasn't received emails since Dec 20th (its being addressed now but boy has this taught me a whole new level of patience, thanks to my techy friend whos fixing it all!), every time I sit down for a cup of tea my mind goes wandering and I find myself digging out more exciting things from my office and starting new messy projects which end up on the kitchen table for weeks (and weeks and weeks)...point is, my boyfriend and I have packed our van today and are getting away from it all. We're driving to Normanville, sleeping in the car, we'll live off chinese take-away (ah..please be open!) and generally just laze around. I know I will probably have trouble switching off and i'll be itching to get back to all the rush and drama (and's hoping) and messy office but it will be great and I can't wait.

Goodbye 2012, you've been soooooo good to me, hello 2013, you're going to be even better. I know it.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Stirling Map

I just completed illustrating this map for Sticky Rice Cooking School. It was really fun putting together, I grew up in Stirling actually so I was quite familiar with all the little places that belonged on there. Sticky Rice is a cooking school in the Adelaide Hills, they are building some asian style villas at the moment, so the map is to show the new comers all the brilliant places that Stirling has to offer. You should come visit if you havn't already!

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Sunday Dinners

I just finished working on such a beautiful project. I was commissioned to compile a collection of home recipes belonging to a lovely elderly lady called Merle. Every Sunday for as long as the family can remember, Merle has hosted dinner at her place.

Before beginning the project, I was invited to Merle's house for some inspiration. I took countless photos of her kitchen, crockery, cuttlery, mugs and pantry, and then we ate pickled onion and cheese aswell as tea and cake on her patio.

It was such a pleasure putting this together. The book is broken into sections of Entrees, Mains, Desserts and Odds & Sods. I illustrated a title page for each course, taking inspiration from the way the dining table would look at this time. The contents are accompanied by an illustration of her kitchen. The recipes also include the name of the family member who requested it be included in her book, which I think is a lovely touch.  

Merle was presented with the book today, on her Birthday! Although she knew I was up to something, she had no idea what the book would look like. Happy Birthday Merle and hope you like it. x